Politico - Farr: School Lunch Politics Part of a Larger Trend

News Article

By Jenny Hopkinson


Rep. Sam Farr sees the recent political dustup over school lunch regulations as part of a much larger conversation about the shift toward eating fresher food.

"This is more than a school lunch issue," Farr told MA last night at the United Fresh Produce Association's annual Fresh Festival reception on Capitol Hill. "This is the beginning of a sea change in the preference of food in America."

Farr -- and the produce industry that thrives in his California district -- wants to prod everyone toward eating more fruits and vegetables, but especially kids, whose habits often last a lifetime. Keeping the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act intact, something that United Fresh members lobbied for yesterday, is central to that effort. Reps. Jim Costa, Bob Goodlatte, Doug LaMalfa also attended the group's reception, along with hundreds of staffers who happily took home armfuls of baby carrots and pears, among other goodies.

